The Himalayan Light Foundation (HLF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) working in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal and the South Asia Region. HLF's main objective is to improve the quality of life of the remote population of the Himalayan and South Asia region via the provision of vital services and environmentally friendly renewable energy technologies (RETs).
HLF was founded by Adam Friedensohn and uses two registered entities to accomplish its work; HLF USA a 501 C-3 not-for-profit organization and HLF in Nepal, registered with the Chief District Office in Kathmandu as well as the Social Welfare Council of Nepal (SWC Registration Number - 7538) and is an accredited NGO from Global Environment Facility (GEF).
HLF operates several projects which allow us to assure a flexible infrastructure which can accommodate many situations and changes in Nepal's environment and social situation. HLF has developed many organization alliances in its project implementations over the years. HLF has also drawn in the high leveraging of over 200 volunteers and their resources into the beautiful Nepal countryside to help Nepal develop.
HLF has expanded its activities to include emergency relief and heritage preservation as well as activities that focus on ancient indigenous practices and wisdom of the Himalayan and South Asia Regions.
Environmental Statement
Village development in Nepal can often benefit from leap-frogging technologies such as new renewable energy technologies, new types of sustainable shelters and vital service technologies for substantial positive impact on a number of environmental fronts. HLF aims to support efforts that reduce air pollution created by non-renewable fuels, reduce fuel-wood consumption and deforestation and reduce various types of diseases. HLF always endeavors to use the cleanest energy choices and sustainable practices in all our work while maintaining due attention to the preservation of ancient ways.